
Fun, no prep group work starts TODAY !

Free Activity: Logic Puzzle Group Activity

Get the practice activity that's so engaging students ask for more!

This activity is perfect for middle schoolers!
Here's how it works:

Students work in groups of 3...
...but each works on a unique problem set
Correct answers reveal secret clues
Group members use combined clues to decipher the logic puzzle!
Get access now!

Teachers & students LOVE this activity!

  • Simple to implement. Just print and go.
  • Quality practice. Students get plenty of practice of the core math skill - order of operations.
  • No slackers allowed! Students can assist each other, but each student is responsible to complete his or her own set of practice problems.
  • Rewarding skill-builder. After students solve their individual problems, the group works together to solve the grid logic problem as a team.
MathLight Order of Operations Worksheets
  • User friendly answer keys. Answer keys include solutions and worked-out steps so that you - or your students - can easily check answers.
  • Smiles guaranteed. Put logic puzzles to work for you!

What educators are saying...

No prep… no planning… excellent resource!

Bertha Lynn C.

This was wonderful, and my class loved it! They are asking for more!

Wendy W.

Awesome practice that is engaging and fun.

Renee S.

Great way to have collaboration in the classroom!

Wendi F.

About MathLight

Linda Kardamis

At MathLight, we love creating curriculum and resources that make math easy to understand - and teach!

Our video lessons, curriculum, and activities blend tried-and-true best practices with creative innovation, so you know you're getting the best of both worlds.

Rick Scarfi
Linda Kardamis
Rick Scarfi

MathLight was founded by a father-daughter team with over 35 years of combined teaching experience.

We're passionately committed to making math easy to understand - and teach! We love blending tried-and-true best practices with creative innovation. And that's exactly what you'll get in this Order of Operations activity.

Grab your free activity now!