Math shouldn't be confusing.
(And neither should teaching it.)
MathLight Makes Sense!
MathLight is all about making math easier to understand
- and teach!
As veteran math teachers, we’ve learned firsthand how to explain complex topics in a way that makes sense to students. We love those light bulb moments and are committed to bringing more of them to your students as well. Hence our name - MathLight!
We’re here to provide you with awesome resources to enhance your math classroom. But what makes our program uniquely amazing is that it’s fully integrated with video lessons. That means you can flip your classroom, provide remedial help for those who are struggling or absent, supplement your own in-class lessons, and much more!
We can’t wait to show you what’s in store for your class with the MathLight program.

Making Math Easier to Understand
VIDEO LESSONS teach each concept step-by-step in a way your students will easily understand
Expert math teacher Rick Scarfi teaches each concept in accompanying teaching videos. His explanations have helped hundreds of students grasp even the most complex mathematical concepts & now they’re here to enlighten your students as well.

Flip your classroom
Instead of teaching during class and sending kids home with homework, try flipping the model. Ask your students to watch the videos at home, then use class time to practice together, in small groups, or individually. This allows you to guide students as they practice, correct their misconceptions, informally access for mastery, and more easily differentiate based on students’ needs.

Easily catch up absent students
Two students were absent for Tuesday’s lecture? No problem! They can watch the lessons online and receive the same top-notch explanations they would have heard in class.

Provide extra support for struggling students
Sometimes students need to see an explanation again (and again), but there’s only one of you and only so much class time. That’s why MathLight’s teaching videos are so handy. Students can access the videos anytime online and re-watch any lesson they’re still confused about.

Supplement or replace your own lectures
If you find your students aren’t really understanding your explanations, why not take advantage of the expert teaching provided by MathLight? Show the teaching videos during class and then follow up by answering questions and practicing together. You may even find that your own explanations improve as you learn clear & concise ways to explain challenging topics.

Keep Your Students Engaged
STUDENT NOTES increase retention & engagement
The notes are our secret weapon here at MathLight. Not that we intend to keep them secret... It’s just that you have to experience their power for yourself before you can fully appreciate them.

Students are more engaged
Students work through the explanations and examples with the video, filling out the notes as they go and practicing the example problems along with the video. This helps student better engage with and comprehend the material.

Students remember more & gain confidence
When you provide your students with MathLight’s detailed math notes, you give them the tools and information they need to be successful. If they can’t remember how to work a problem, they have their notes to look back on for help and guidance. And when it comes time for assessments, they’ve got everything they need to know in one place

You can hold your students accountable
Ever assign students to watch a video but have no idea if they actually did? By requiring them to complete the notes along with the video, you dramatically increase the probability that they will actually watch it. And, in worst case, you know they at least filled out all the information by hand.
BONUS!! Teacher versions of the notes are also included, which provide the completed notes with all problems worked out. Yes, we did try to think of everything.

Easily Review & Refresh
QUICK REVIEW VIDEOS reinforce each concept
Each MathLight unit contains quick review videos for each lesson that quickly summarize the main concepts and remind students how to work the problems. With an average playtime of 2-3 minutes, these videos are so versatile you’ll soon be using them everywhere. And we won’t be too surprised if you find yourself pretty much falling in love with them.

Easily review in class
It's a snap to show a quick review video at the start of class to review yesterday’s concept. Or, if you’re flipping your class, you can preview the concept you’ll be practicing that day.

Give stumped students a quick refresher
Often students sit down to practice and just can’t remember what to do. The full teaching videos are always available, but sometimes that’s overkill. That’s where the quick reviews shine. They’ll quickly remind students of the main concepts and steps and get them back on track to continue working.

Prepare with confidence for assessments
Whether you’re showing them in class or your students are watching them at home, these quick review videos are the perfect way to review and refresh concepts in preparation for quizzes, tests, and even standardized assessments.

Build Your Students' Skills
Versatile PRACTICE EXERCISES make differentiation easy

Easily Differentiate
Each lesson contains 3 differentiated practice exercises geared towards remedial, average, and advanced skills. This means you can easily assign differentiated but similar exercises to different students. Or, better yet, teach them how to determine for themselves which level of practice is best for them.

Use Wherever You Need Them
These exercises are so versatile that you can use them as homework, in-class practice, or for group activities.

Empower Your Students
Our answer keys include not only the solution but also the steps needed to solve the problem. This gives you the option of providing answer keys to your students so that they can self-check and correct.

Keep Their Interest
These practice exercises are so much more than worksheets. You can use them in a variety of creative & intriguing ways, many of which we outline in the unit suggestions. Keep your students engaged by using them with reciprocal learning, in-class games, think-pair-share activities, and much more.

Improve Study Habits
Guided UNIT REVIEWS teach study skills
& improve test scores

Teach your students how to study
The guided review not only gives students a checklist of concepts they need to know to prepare for the unit test, but it also provides practice problems for each topic.

Review any way you'd like
You can work through the review together as a class, ask students to study individually, or allow them to work together in small groups. You could also conduct your own in-class review and have the students use the checklist to note what they already understand and what they need to practice

Relax: We've got you covered.
We’ve included an answer key with all the steps worked out that you can use yourself or provide to your students. And don't forget about the quick review videos that you can use in your in-class review or provide to students as they study on their own.

Assess Fairly & Easily
Editable ASSESSMENTS integrate perfectly with the rest of the curriculum
Few things frustrate students more than when the test doesn’t match what they’ve learned in class. With MathLight, you’ll never have that problem. The concepts tested in each assessment come directly from the videos and notes, and have been previously practiced in the practice exercises and unit reviews.
And since we’re real math teachers ourselves, we designed all of our assessments with both you and your students in mind. Here’s some of our favorite features...

Easily Editable
Each assessment comes in both PDF & Microsoft Word versions so that you can easily adapt them as needed. This also makes it a breeze to create alternate versions.

Smart & Innovative Testing
At MathLight we include not only problem solving but also terms recall on our assessments. Terms are the language of math, and without them, students are easily confused. Including terms and rules on assessments helps emphasize their importance to students, thus cementing their meaning and building a strong mathematics foundation.

Grading Helps
We know you have enough to worry about just grading the tests, so we’ve provided everything we can to make it go as smoothly as possible. No need to work out the problems or figure out the point values - we’ve done all of that for you.

Extra Motivation for Students
The bonus problems included on most assessments are intentionally designed as an extra challenge. Students love bonus points, so why not use that motivation to push them to go further than they thought they could!
From Our Classrooms to Yours
MathLight is created by two veteran math teachers. And you may be interested to know we’re actually a father-daughter team.

Rick Scarfi, the voice & genius behind MathLight’s teaching videos, is a veteran math teacher of over 30 years. One of his biggest strengths (as you will soon see) is his uncanny ability to explain complex mathematical topics in a way that students easily understand.
Not only does Rick have the intangible ability to make challenging concepts appear simple, but he also pioneered the concept of math notes, another fantastic feature you’ll experience in MathLight.

Linda Kardamis taught middle school math before stepping away from the classroom to raise her young children (that’s Rick’s grandkids if you’re following closely.) Since then Linda has founded Teach 4 the Heart which offers book, resources, and online courses for teachers.
Linda shares the same passion and skill for teaching math and is thrilled to partner with Rick to create engaging & helpful curriculum that students and teachers will both enjoy.
Try It Yourself - FREE!
With the MathLight Super Bundle!

"I LOVE these videos and guided notes!"
- Chrystie C.
Included in the Introductory Super Bundle:
Pre Algebra Unit: Integers
Students learn basic operations on positive & negative numbers, combining like terms, and the Distributive property
Algebra 1 Unit:
Covers topics such as negation, solving inequalities, conjunctions, absolute value equations & inequalities, and precision
Algebra 2 Unit: Probability & Statistics
All the basics: counting principles, combinations & permutations, standard deviation and distributions
BONUS: The Simple Sub Plan Solution
Turn any MathLight Lesson into a sub plan in minutes!
BONUS: How-to Video!
We'll walk you through how to get up and running in no time!