
4 Compelling Reasons to Flip Your Math Class

Have you thought about flipping your math class but aren't quite sure how it would work - or if it's worth the effort?

In this video, you'll discover four compelling reasons to flip your math class - and some tips for how to do it well.

Now that you're excited to try flipping your class, check out this post for specific advice from Rick about how exactly to do that:

How to Flip Your Class (Your Biggest Questions Answered)

how to flip your class

We've also got the perfect tools to help you flip your math class - whether you want to try just a few times or flip every day. 

Our video lessons with guided notes will let you flip your class right away - without having to record your own videos. Plus, the guided notes ensure students actually watch the videos - and come away having learned the concepts.

    Linda Kardamis

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