Procedures to Implement for Self-Paced Math Success
Effectively trained procedures are vital to a smooth-running classroom, nowhere more-so than with your self-paced students. These students have a lot of flexibility with their time and so they rely on you to give them the structure and expectations from which they work. Below we share the top procedures that are worth your energy- and a couple things you shouldn't sweat.

Be a stickler for procedures, not timing:
You only have so much time and energy to put into teaching. Intentionally build in procedures that will benefit your self-paced students (they have some very specific needs!). These procedures and expectations are an important part of making that experience a success for you as well as them.
Procedures for self-paced success:

A few things you can probably relax on:
Getting set up so your self-paced students are ready to go takes a little bit of work. But it is doable when you choose the right curriculum and implement smart procedures. Find out more of why we think MathLight is the best curriculum for you to use with your self-paced students! Check out everything that is included in our amazing math units now!